& Logo Guidelines

aerial view of green trees beside body of water during daytime


To become a USTOA Active Member, a tour operator is required to have a total of 18 references from a variety of industry sources and financial institutions, including two current USTOA Active Members. The company must also be in business in the United States for at least three years under the same ownership or management and must carry a minimum of $1 million professional liability insurance.

Another important membership requirement is adherence to USTOA’s strict code of ethics, which is framed by a pledge to encourage and maintain the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and service.

In addition to these requirements, all USTOA Active Members must participate in the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program, which requires USTOA Active Members to post $1 million in security in form of a bond, letter of credit or US treasury bill. The security is solely for use in reimbursing consumers for tour payments or deposits lost in the event of a USTOA Active Member’s bankruptcy insolvency or cessation of business. USTOA Active Members carry the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program logo on their printed materials and/or websites.


Active Members carry the Active member logo on their printed materials and/or websites, indicating their participation in the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program. Look for the USTOA Active Member logo to ensure that your clients vacation dollars are protected.


USTOA welcomes travel suppliers as Associate Members to promote their service or destinations to the USTOA Active Members. This invitation is extended to responsible industry and governmental entities and organizations whose interests and purposes are compatible with those of USTOA, which is to encourage and support professional and financial integrity in tourism and in the future of the travel industry.


Associate Members are permitted to use the Associate Member logo on certain materials provide they strictly observe the logo guidelines. In order to clarify possible confusion about membership type, any use of the Associate member logo in commercial materials must also include the following information in the general conditions section: “(COMPANY NAME) is an Associate Member of the United States Tour Operators Association. However, (COMPANY NAME) is NOT a participant in the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program and is not held by USTOA to certain other standards required of Active Members.”